/** @module winner */
// Imports
import ripplet from 'ripplet.js';
import notification from './notifications';
import { toTitle } from './stringUtilities';
// Variables
const modal = document.getElementById('modal');
const modalOverlay = document.getElementById('modal-overlay');
const timerElement = document.getElementById('timer');
// Functions
* Return raw position with max cost
* @return {(undefined|?string)} - if !cost - undefined,
* if !name - null,
* if name && cost - string
const returnWinner = () => {
const names = document.getElementsByClassName('name');
const costs = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName('cost'))
.map(cost => Number(cost.value));
const maxCost = Math.max.apply(null, costs);
if (!maxCost) return;
const winner = names[costs.indexOf(maxCost)].value;
// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
return winner || null;
* Convert winner to human readable string
* @private
* @param {(undefined|?string)} winner - winner name
* @see returnWinner
* @return {string} - human readable result
const humanizeWinner = winner => (winner || (winner === null ? 'Пустая позиция' : 'Никто не'));
* Append last word to result phrase
* @private
* @param {(undefined|?string)} winner - winner name,
* result from decorateWinner
* @see decorateWinner
* @return {string} - winner name + case ending
const addEnding = (winner) => {
let ending;
if (winner) {
ending = 'победил';
} else {
ending = winner === null ? 'победила' : 'победил';
return `${humanizeWinner(winner)} ${ending}!`;
* Add dots if larger than 20 chars and quotes lazy
* @private
* @param {(undefined|?string)} winner - winner name
* @see returnWinner
* @return {(undefined|?string)} - if !cost - undefined,
* if !name - null,
* if name && cost - string with handsome decoration
const decorateWinner = (winner) => {
if (!winner) return winner;
const titled = toTitle(winner)
const formatted = titled.length < 20
? titled
: `${titled.substr(0, 20)}...`;
return JSON.stringify(formatted);
* Join addEnding call with decorate
* @param {(undefined|?string)} winner - winner name from returnWinner
* @see returnWinner
* @return {string} - result of winner computing
const compileWinner = winner => addEnding(decorateWinner(winner));
* Open modal window with winner result
* @param {string} [result] - ready compiled winner to show
const showWinner = (result) => {
const compiled = result || compileWinner(returnWinner());
if (!window.isBuy) {
modal.querySelector('p').innerText = compiled;
notification.sendNotification('Аукцион окончен!', compiled);
document.title = compiled;
} else {
const buyed = window.buyWinner;
modal.querySelector('p').innerText = `${buyed} выкупили, аж за ${window.buyCost}₽ Pog!`;
document.title = `${compiled} выкупили!`;
notification.sendNotification('Аукцион окончен!', `Выкупили ${buyed}`);
modalOverlay.onclick = () => {
document.title = 'Аукцион';
// Exec
modalOverlay.addEventListener('click', ripplet);
document.onkeyup = (e) => {
if (!modalOverlay.classList.contains('closed') && e.key === 'Escape') {
// Exports
const winner = {
show: showWinner,
return: returnWinner,
compile: compileWinner,
decorate: decorateWinner,
humanize: humanizeWinner,
export default winner;